Activity Fair Sunday, March 1st at 10:30am

ActivityFair2The 9:30 community at San Ignacio Parish embarked on a process to examine and revitalize its services and expressions of our Christian fellowship.  After a couple of brainstorming meetings and a survey we have come up with a list of activities, ministry plans, and service ideas that we would like share. This next Sunday is Activity Fair Sunday. Join us! After the 9:30 mass, we will have Coffee and Doughnuts in the patio at the entrance of the church. There you will find tables with information and contact people for a variety of activities. Be there and discover all the ideas other parishioners have to enrich our faith community.

PREVIEW of  Activities and Ideas:

  • Learn more about Taizé.  San Ignacio Parish is bringing back this ecumenical service every first Wednesdays of the month. The service combines music and meditation.The practice of Taizé began in France and has an active youth participation that Pope Francis sees as beacon of hope opening spaces for peace and understanding across the world. Next Taizé service is March 4th at 7pm in the church.
  • Sacred Art Live and Upclose: Kathy Jones will the point person information on Sunday tours in the metro area to visit sacred art installations in the company of Vonn Hartung, the artist behind the work. The visit will include a short meditation, followed by a presentation of the process behind making sacred art.  After the site visit and presentation, the members are welcome to continue on to have lunch together.
  • Prayer Blankets: Several members are interested in organizing a group that exchanges their ideas and expertise about sewing, embroidering, knitting and other skills that result in hand crafted blankets that are prayed over as they are made. The result is a prayer blanket ideal to comfort the sick or to celebrate baptisms and special ocassions.
  • Camping as a Community of Faith: In our community we have expert campers and scientists that study the forests who are willing to lead a “minimal impact” camping expedition with young and old. We are thinking OUTSIDE the box (or rather church) communing nature and members of our faith community. To learn more about this, search out and talk to Sheila Ward.
  • Visit to the Gruta de Lourdes – Pilgrimages do not require crossing oceans… we can walk together and deepen our faith in nearby places like the Gruta de Lourdes in Trujillo Alto. Ian Murray will gladly answer questions and serve as contact person for this initiative.
  • Themed Ways of the Cross – If parishioners are interested throughout Lent we can organize and celebrate the stations of the crossframed with different topics of reflection: for families with small children, reflections on Mary, reflections on priests, missions and church leaders, reflections on social justice. Laura Gorbea will be the point person organizing this initiative

At the Activity Fair you will find more information on ministries, activity ideas, and other service groups. If your idea is not there, feel free to share it this is a parishioner led initiative organized in coordination with our Pastor Larry Searles.

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