We appreciate all your donations and financial support allowing us to continue serving our community and restoring our parish. If you need evidence of your
donations for your income tax returns of 2022, please call the parish office and speak to Norma Garcia, extension 301
“Every Tuesday, from 7 to 8 pm, on the Terrace of the Parsonage, a twelve-step program for people facing alcohol problems meets. You are cordially invited.”
The Ministry of Perpetual Adoration of the Parish restarts its campaign to recruit adorers. To keep the chapel, open permanently we need to have committed adorers on the hour. We invite you to commit one hour a week to accompany Jesus and receive his blessings. Stop by the Adoration table and sign up at the time that suits you best. Thanks
The Ignatian Formation Institute invites you to the “Beginners” Spiritual Exercises in daily life starting on Wednesday March 1 until April 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Parochial house. There will also be an “Advance” section of the Spiritual
Exercises in daily life on Wednesdays at 10:00 starting March 1 through May 10 at the house Parochial.
For additional information regarding these announcements, please see the Parish app “Connect”, our Facebook page, the Parish website, or the bulletin boards.
Thank you very much for being part of our community.
God Bless you!