Today’s second collection is for improvements of the Church. Thank you for your generosity.
Inspired by Pope Francis’s Lenten message of this year 2022: “Do not grow tired of doing good”, each week during Lent we will have a basket with service and or sacrifice ideas with different works of mercy and charity that encourage us in our personal commitment to continue doing good works and to grow in our spiritual life.
We invite all the members of our community to participate in our assembly on the process of synodal listening on two Saturdays March 26th and the 2nd of April at 11:00am in the Temple. We want to take advantage of the opportunity to learn and listen together about the synod in the church both local and universal which calls us to Communion, Participation and Mission.
- The next meeting of the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Living will be on Tuesday, March 15th at 10:00am in the Terrace or at 6:30pm in the Church.
- We invite the proclaimers of the word to participate in a reflection of the Sunday readings on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30pm in the Terrace of the Parish Center.
- The next meeting for the parents and godparents of the Confirmation candidates will be on Wednesday, March 16th at 6:30pm at the Church.
The Stations of the Cross is offered every Friday during Lent after the 8:00am Mass and is sponsored by Ignacianas con Maria.
Thank you very much for being part of our community. We hope you have a wonderful week. May God bless you!